Monday, June 21, 2010

Jive's last day at Oregon U.S

Brittany and Lori drove Jive to the airport on the 21st June 2010, it was a very sad day for them as they had nine months with Jive and they both fell in love with Mr Jive man.

Jive had a photo shoot with all of his relatives on his last day in Oregon.

Left to right: Kate (great great grandma), Lash (grandma) Jen (great grandma) Rumor (mom) Singe (dad) and Risk (grandma)

Front row: Brothers Jive and Moe

Brittany also put a slide show together on Jive's first nine months living at Oregon.

This is a video of Jive's great, great grandma Kate in her hey day also Brittany's heart dog.
Kate was named Triathlete of dog sports by Animal Planet in 2004. This is a video that was done to showcase her versatility in dog sports.

A video of Jive's grandma Risk on Singe's side semi final and finals Grand Prix run at the 2007 USDAA Cynosports.  See family photo above of Risk.


  1. Congrats, Cricket says she is glad her brother has arrived safetly in Australia, and I am looking forward to watching Jive as he begins his new life. CONGRATS on your new family member, hope the rest of the quarentine goes quickly for you and Jive. Kathy/with BC CP Blew Breeze,Leapin' Liz,Hillcrest Quick as a Cricket

  2. Kathy but he is only in Los Angeles at the moment, he still has 17 hours of flying to go.
    Is Cricket going to be doing agility?

  3. OH shoot, I misunderstood and thought he was in Australia already! I thought that was awfully fast for him to have got there! Well, gosh he is only about an hour from me. Cricket is going to do agility, I have been having a blast doing foundation work with her and she is doing wonderfully. This was my first dog I have bought and had to have shipped to me, I was so nervous and hoped she was all she seemed to be from the videos I had seen, but she has been so much more then I could have hoped-it has been a terrific experience. This whole litter seems to have tons of food drive, tons of toy drive, and so smart of course, they love everyone .... I bet you are going to have soooo much fun with Jive!--Kathy/Hillcrest Quick as a Cricket
